Community Scam Awareness

scam prevention tips for seniors

Essential Online Scam Prevention Tips for Seniors

Recent research shows that seniors, aged 50 and above, are prime targets for online scammers, comprising over 50% of reported scams. As technology advances, seniors must gain knowledge and tools to shield themselves from online scams. While the internet is a valuable resource for seniors, it also presents risks that they must recognize. It is […]

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fighting fraud with community

Combatting Telephone Fraud With Community Action

Telephone fraud impacts millions annually. According to the Federal Trade Commission, in 2020, over 2.2 million fraud reports were filed, resulting in a $3.3 billion loss. With advancing technology, scammers' tactics evolve, necessitating community collaboration to combat this persistent threat. Implementing joint strategies and proactive measures can effectively reduce telephone fraud prevalence. Community Awareness Campaigns

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educational seminars on phishing

Community Seminars: Combating Email Phishing Scams

The saying 'knowledge is power' applies to protecting against email phishing scams. Community Seminars: Combating Email Phishing Scams provides insights and strategies to safeguard individuals and businesses from cyber threats. Understanding cybercriminal tactics and taking proactive measures can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks. The seminar unveils effective defense mechanisms and

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scam prevention tips compilation

14 Tips From Anti-Scam Non-Profits

In the realm of charitable giving, it's easy to get lost in the potential scams. However, anti-scam non-profits offer 14 essential tips to guide donors away from fraudulent organizations. These tips act as a compass, leading individuals through the deceptive undergrowth. By heeding these expert suggestions, donors can ensure their contributions have a meaningful impact

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immigrants vulnerable to scammers

Why Are Immigrants Targeted by Scammers?

Immigrants are often targeted by scammers, which is a troubling issue. A closer examination highlights several factors contributing to their vulnerability. They are adapting to a new language and culture, which scammers take advantage of. Scammers pose as helpful guides or officials, exploiting the immigrants' naivety. Moreover, immigrants might have an unstable legal status. This

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scam prevention strategies for immigrants

8 Essential Scam Prevention Strategies for Immigrants

In the land of opportunity, dreams seem close at hand. However, the shadow of deception looms over immigrants. These newcomers often become targets of complex scams. Embarking on a new life journey, they must carefully avoid exploitation. Knowledge is key for immigrants to protect themselves from scammers' cunning tricks. We will discuss eight essential strategies

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creating a scam alert network

6 Steps to Create a Scam Alert Network

In today's smart age, communities must guard against cunning scammers. The writer suggests a six-step plan for a scam alert network. First, they pinpoint prevalent scams, as diverse as ocean fish. Next, they rally community interest—naturally, no one likes being tricked. Then, establishing clear communication channels is crucial. This prevents creating a confusing maze. Furthermore,

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